Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wizard Scout

Went to random magic card name generator... Drew the first name I was given. Its fun. :3

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cosplaying as L (an art form?)

So I tried my hand at a little cosplay, I think it went well, and thought it deserved to be a part of my expanding portfolio. But this will probably be trashed next time I clean this place up.:3

Thursday, September 23, 2010

* Dumpster Boy: Draft Ideas

These are the first three pages to a draft of * Dumpster Boy. My Grandfather came up with the idea, and I altered it a bit and here is the execution.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sleeping Forest

Finished my forest scene.
Now I have completed the two scenes out of the four which I decided were the most visually interesting.

The Grande City final :D

And here I have completed my city image. There wasn't much left which I felt comfortable doing, so I ended it here because when I feel uncertain and already like what I have, I really think that trying to do something I'm not quite sure won't ruin the image I like to stop.

Monday, August 30, 2010

William - The Grandfather

This is my grandfather William.

Ballpoint on sketching paper.

The Moon and The Seal

Acrylic on printer paper.

Pigeon a Aotea

A pigeon in Aotea square on a Saturday morning waiting for some crumbs. There was a whole fleet of them - picking out just one was quite difficult - I'm sure this is two or three pigeons.

Portrait Class

A portrait done of a model in my friend's face drawing class. I decided I would rather be there than in another class. :)

Ballpoint pen on drawing paper.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Acrylic and Oil on Cancas.


Acrylic and India Ink on Canvas.

The Mother

The Mother.
Acrylic/Gouache/India Ink on water-colour paper.

The forest and the city.

Here are my 3rd and final drafting point for the forest and city scenes.

A series of work

2nd image:
Finalised the sketch on the computer. I will either use Photoshop or I will use paper an ink.

1st image:

Here I have just come up with my ideas for 4 different scenes. These are basic, but I put a lot of effort into my drafts.